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The 2011/1911 Tooling Package for Stealth Arms is a comprehensive set of tools designed to assist in the assembly and customization of your 2011 or 1911 pistol build. This package includes a variety of high-quality tools specifically selected to meet the unique needs of these pistol platforms.

Included in the tooling package are essential tools such as barrel wrenches, sight tools, grip screw bushing drivers, and pin punches. These tools are crafted with precision and durability, ensuring reliable performance during the assembly and maintenance of your pistol.

The tooling package also features specialized tools for fitting and tuning various components of your 2011 or 1911 pistol. These tools allow for precise adjustments and modifications, enabling you to customize the pistol to your exact specifications.

With the 2011/1911 Tooling Package for Stealth Arms, you have everything you need to confidently assemble, disassemble, and maintain your pistol. Whether you’re a professional gunsmith or a DIY enthusiast, this package provides the necessary tools to achieve professional-level results.

Please note that proper knowledge and understanding of firearm assembly and maintenance are crucial when using these tools. Always follow safety guidelines and consult professional resources if needed.

Invest in the 2011/1911 Tooling Package for Stealth Arms and elevate your pistol building experience. This comprehensive set of tools ensures accuracy, reliability, and customization options for your 2011 or 1911 pistol. Equip yourself with the right tools to build and maintain a pistol that meets your exact needs and performance expectations.

    • Matrix Precision rail cutter


    • Drill jig for 1911/2011so


    • Barrel seat cutter


    • #35 and #22 Drills


    • Frame hold down hardware for 1911 and 2011


    • Test block for practice cutting with the rail cutter


    • 800 grit lapping compound


  • Grease for the rail cutter slide and screw (not to be used as cutting oil)


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